I have a hearing disability that I was born with - microtia. I can’t hear out of the left side of my head. It means that there has never been a conversation in my life in which I’ve heard every word someone has said to me. I need hearing protection, routine hearing tests, and visits with specialists. Over my entire life, none of this has ever been covered. Bone Anchored Hearing Aids (BAHA) are over ten thousand dollars for the technology and surgery and thousands more for upkeep. Cochlear implants are even more expensive. I’ve never qualified for these procedures under OHIP. They’ve been entirely too risky and too cost oppressive to ever be viable. My hearing health is not covered by our healthcare system. My disability needs are not met by our public health system.

We must do better.

For years I’ve represented healthcare workers at SEIU Healthcare and OPSEU. I’ve fought for the lowest paid in our healthcare system for safer and fairer workplaces. PSWs, Heavy Cleaners, Porters, Dietary Aides, Activity Aides, Cleaners, Pharmacy Technicians, Medical Technicians - so many workers in our healthcare system matter, not just Doctors and Nurses. 

I’ve seen how stretched and understaffed our healthcare system is after decades of Liberal and Conservative neglect. I’ve heard the stories of PSWs and RPNs making less than $20 an hour and working in 2 or 3 facilities to make ends meet. I’ve seen the system routinely cut corners and overwork staff to the point of collapse. 

But I've also seen amazing workers step up to deliver the best healthcare possible, time and time again. Our system needs to be protected from Conservatives who see a public asset to exploit for private profits. And chronic underfunding by the Liberals has led to the crisis we see now. 

Healthcare for me isn’t just a job, it’s about supporting workers and public services that are so key to making sure everyday people are taken care of. And it’s about expanding the healthcare system to cover all the parts of our bodies. 

You deserve the best healthcare and that means:

  • Expansion of Universal Healthcare to include Pharmacare, dental care, vision care, hearing care, and mental health care
  • Nationalize Revera and eliminate all for-profit provision of long-term care and home care
  • Develop and support domestic vaccine and biomedical research and manufacturing including by public systems
  • Develop and support permanent manufacturing of personal protective equipment in Canada
  • Implement “Joyce’s Principle” – a commitment to Joyce Echaquan, that healthcare in Canada must be provided without systemic discrimination
  • Fighting in Ottawa to ensure continued funding for AIDS Service Organizations (ASOs) and Sexual Health services including pushing for at least $100 million in annual funding for ASOs
  • Investing in Trans Health and ensuring gender affirmation healthcare is available across Canada with a strict ban on forced sterilization
  • Ensuring reproductive justice with access to safe abortions across Canada
  • Supporting perinatal mental health before and after birth for any person with a womb
  • Decriminalizing personal possession and use of drugs
  • Securing options for safe supply of opioids, safe consumption sites, and prison needle & syringe programs to tackle the crisis

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I'm ready to build a truly universal healthcare system in Canada – will you join me?


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